Welcome to the Elarra Web Site!
- Elarra Tour
- The Guest House
- Looking East
- The Front Steps
- Looking North
- Looking East with the Fog coming in
- The Deck, one of our favorite hangouts
- The View from The Deck
- Dining Area
- Woodburning Stove
- The View from Inside
- The Wood Stove (unlit!)
- Upstairs Bedroom
- The Kitchen
- The Downstairs Bedroom
- At Night
- As Seen from Moon Mountain
- The Views
- Glad's House
- Around The Property
- 011104 042
- Hooker Creek
- 012305 (63)
- 031906 (23)
- 031906 (74)
- 032005 (9)
- Winter Falls
- 041606 (35)
- 043005 (2)
- 043006 (43)
- 050706 (49)
- 050805 (14)
- 061006 266
- 070404 078
- 080606 (33)
- 090406 (20)
- 121503 017
- 122804 (1)
- 123103 041
- 123103 101
- 123103 155
- Elarra 120801-29
- Elarra 120801-41
- IMG_1900
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- IMG_3323
- Waterfall
- wf_closeup
- Around the Houses - The West side of the Property
- The Guest House
- Projects
- Flora and Fauna
- Pets
- Dogs
- Misc
- Site Map
- The October 2002 Fire
- Poison Oak
- Bird Songs
- The Grounds
- The Gate
- The guest house from across the valley. The upper house is our nearest neighbor (over 500 feet away)
- Directions under Snow
- The Front Walk
- Blooms in February
- Woof's Spot - One of our camping areas
- Yori's Spot - One of our camping areas
- Lily's Spot - One of our camping areas
- Lily's Spot with the new table
- The Path to Yori's Spot
- The Shed
- Looking down the observatory trail
- Tractor Ride Video
- Deer behind the house
- The Swimming Pool
- Cindy's Swing
- The Cow
- The Bird Bath (with Ca thrasher)
- The 4 kilowatt solar system
- Cabernet Grapes
- The Observatory
- Zschenzi Link
- aPrebuild 1
- aPrebuild 2
- aPrebuild 3
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- aPrebuild 5
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- bridge (61)
- bridge (62)
- bridge (63)
- bridge
- Elarra Bridge Pratt ver9
- Glad's House - Construction
- Bellaphia Bridge
- Woof
- The Barbie Album
- Another Barbie Gone (PDF)
- Ant_Bait_Barbie
- Armed_Services_Barbie
- Backpacker_Barbie
- Buckshot_Barbie
- Bungie_Barbie
- Elephant_Squish_Barbie
- Espresso_Barbie
- Eye_Surgery_Barbie
- Goat_Bait_Barbie
- Greenwich_Mean_Time_Barbie
- Greenwich_Meridan_Barbie
- HP_Barbie
- Hugh_Hefner_Barbie
- International_Dateline_Barbie
- Kilauea_Barbie
- Krucifixion_Ken
- Metro_Barbie
- Mud_Bath_Barbie
- Nutcracker_barbie
- Orange_Hand_Barbie
- Ovulation_Barbie
- Pick-a-winner
- Polish_Russian_Barbie
- Rocket_Barbie
- Schindlers_Other_List
- sir_edmund_Hillary_Barbie
- Sobriety_Barbie
- Thanksgiving_Turkey_Barbie
- The_BIRDS_barbie
- Total_Eclipse_Barbie1
- total_Eclipse_Barbie2
- Tulips_Barbie
- VB_Barbie
- Wolf_bait_Barbie
- Wildflowers
- Bay Laurel
- Blue Eyed Grass
- Blue Headed Gilia
- Broom Rape
- Bush Poppy
- California Aurelia
- California Blackberry
- California Goldenrod
- California Helianthella
- Calistoga Navarettia
- Canyon Delphinium
- Canyon Delphinium
- Chamise
- Chaparral Pea
- Coast Paintbrush
- Common Manzanita
- Common Yarrow
- Congdons Monkeyflower
- Congdons Monkeyflower 2
- Dannie's Skullcap
- Davey's Centaury
- Death Camus
- Elegant Brodiaea
- False Lupine
- Felt Paintbrush
- Fernald's Iris
- Foothill Penstemon
- Fork Toothed Ookow
- Gold Wire
- Golden Fleece
- Golden Yarrow
- Goldfields
- Green Monardella
- Hawkweed
- Hedge Nettle
- Hoary Manzanita
- Honeysuckle
- Hooker's Fairybell
- Hounds Tongue
- Indian Warrior
- Linanthus
- Little Leaf Montia
- Madrone
- Milkwort
- min lupine
- Miners Lettuce
- Morning Glory
- Narrow Anthered Brodiaea
- Pacific Pea
- Pacific Sanicle
- Patterson's Curse
- Pine Violet
- Purple Nightshade
- Redstem Fillaree
- Redwood Lily
- Rough Leaf Aster
- Scarlet Fritillary
- Scarlet Monkey Flower
- Scarlet Pimpernel
- Sedge sp.
- Seep Spring Monkey Flower
- Senicio vulgaris
- Shooting Star
- Sonoma Ceanothus
- Sonoma Sage
- Spice Bush
- Stanford Manzanita
- Sticky Monkey Flower
- Tobacco sp
- Toyon
- Transverse Orchid
- Water Speedwell
- Wavy Leaf Soap Plant
- Wavyleaf Ceanothus
- Western Azalea
- Wine Cup Clarkia
- Woodland Madia
- Woodland Star
- Wooly Sunflower
- Yellow Fairy Lantern
- Yerba de Selva (Modesty)
- Yerba Santa
- Ferns
- Birds
- 030903-42_junco
- 030903-46_junco
- 030903-48_jay
- 030903-52_vthrush
- 030903-73_jay
- 030903-75_jay
- 030903-78_vulture
- 030903-82_vulture
- 032203-42web
- 032203-48web
- 032203-49web
- 040503 012_web
- 040503 014_web
- 040503 043_web
- 041903 077_chick
- 042803 070_gnatcat
- 042803 113_hvireo
- 042803 116_hummer
- 042803 135_pwoodpecker
- 051103 027_flycatch
- 060603 047_sptohwee
- 061403 104_dove
- 071303 066_pigeon
- Elarra 040702-34_rtail
- Elarra 090102-4_rtail
- Elarra 102001-04_wblueb
- Elarra 102001-05_wblueb
- quail062302
- quailb062302
- redtail1
- redtail2
- vulture1
- vulture2
- vulture3
- Main House
- IMG_3761
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- IMG_5746
- IMG_6134
- IMG_6107
- IMG_6821
- The Back Porch
- Observatory
- Chicken Coop
- Critter Cam
- bobcat 030704
- bobcat 051202
- bobcat 062302
- Bobcat 1109
- Bobcat with prey 100603
- Buck 090103 003
- buck 101099
- Buck 1109
- buck071902
- bunny 110500
- cougar 020900b
- cougar 070402
- cougar 071500b
- Cougar roar
- Cougar roar2
- Cougar scream (this is scary!)
- Coyote 121103
- deer 053102
- Deer 1109
- Deer mice 092902
- deer mouse 103005a
- fawn 071902
- fox 011601
- fox 012001
- fox 012002
- fox 041903
- fox 080405 b
- Fox 080705 b
- fox 103005b
- Fox 1109
- Fox yell
- foxfood 030501
- Jack Rabbit 1109
- Jack Rabbit 2 1109
- Jackalope
- Owl 090103
- possum 011901
- possum 022501
- possum 090400
- raccoon 022501
- Raccoon 080705
- Raccoon 1009
- skunk 020702
- skunk 041903
- skunk 080705
- skunk 080705 b
- spotted skunk 0708
- Squirrel 1109
- Stellars Jays 1109
- The Scrapbook
- The Vineyard
- Leeloo
- The Office
- Chickens
- Garage